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merging excel output

Hello, I'm trying to merge excel output for a package into one xls file with multiple tabs (this is a 14 report package)

Every time I try, I get this error:

Error Number: 5
Module Name: RunPackageSchedule
Line Number: 1210
Error Description: Destination Error: Disk

Error Description: Error merging Excel workbooks: Object variable or With block variable not set.
Error Number: 5
Error Source: PrepareXLS
Error Line: 470
Suggestion: Please make sure that the report output is not blank

I've tried changing the excel format and added the option to ignore blank reports on each report, but I still get the same error. I don't believe any of the reports are blank, but they could be in the future. Does anyone have any ideas on why I might be getting this error? Does this feature not work if you have the possibility of some of the reports being blank?

Thank you,

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