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Relay Failed Error - Only sometimes

Getting a "550 5.7.1 Unable to relay" error on some bursting schedules when address is external to domain. Then says the address being sent to is bad. But only sometimes. Some bursting schedules work fine. When I test the settings in the Messages Options it fails to external address but works internally. Yet a bursting schedule ran right after that and sent 30 messages to external addresses.

Exchange Server 2007 (for SMTP) has a Hub Transport Receive Connector set up to accept mail from the IP address of the server CRD is running on. This has been working for over a year but problem started on Monday for no apparent reason. I have compared the failing schedules to working ones and they are set up identical.

Any ideas about intermitant relay errors?

Re: Relay Failed Error - Only sometimes


It has been working for over a year which means that something has changed in your environment. probably your exchange Server settings have been modified recently.

You will need to speak to your exchange server administrator about this as this message is being sent by the Exchange server. Check and ensure that ALL emails sent by that server have been white-listed in Exchange anti-spam settings as well.

Also, check that the size of attachments allowed to be relayed to external users is higher than the attachments the failing schedules are trying to send.

Your exchange server logs should point your exchange admin in the right direction

Re: Relay Failed Error - Only sometimes

Issue resolved.
We noticed that the ones failing were all created by the other person here who makes schedules. All mine worked. All mine were created logged in as Administrator. The rest were as the user account.

Went to Options - Messaging - Advanced button - STMP Settings tab and set Authentication Method as "LOGIN". It had been "NONE". It then worked for all schedules.

Not sure what changed in network or Exchange but this got past it.

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