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Daily Schedules Ran PM instead of AM

This is weird, all of my daily schedules on 7/6/11 ran in the afternoon instead of the morning without any seeming reason. The next day they continued on their normally scheduled runs. These are all daily, not custom, and all supposed to run in the morning. Any maintanance on this box (it's a vm) is done at noon and therefore should not have affected the schedules. Any ideas on why this happened so I can prevent it in the future?

Re: Daily Schedules Ran PM instead of AM

Are you using the Windows Scheduler or the Background App?

If you are using the background app, then sounds like someone logged off and then logged back on in the afternooon, so all the waiting schedules kicked off then.

If you are using the Windows Service, then somewhow it was stopped until the afternoon.

Those are pretty much the only reasons why what you are describing would happen.

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