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Dealing with CRD backend DB


I'm trying to find the location of the backend db for CRD. Primarily because I realize it would be easier to query the backend db for specific questions, rather than using the gui.

I'm using a t-sql backend db, and it's being backed up, so I could restore a backup if I really wanted to, but when I launched sql server express, I realized I have no idea where the db even is, or I'm looking at it and can't see the data. Can someone help me with this?

Re: Dealing with CRD backend DB

The database is at machine(the server name)CRD.
Open a support case with Tech Support and ask for the "sa" password and they will provide it to you.

Re: Dealing with CRD backend DB

If you have CRD 7, go to the Configuration tab and there's now a Report option. The reports are quite simple but they are basically queries of the required tables for each type of schedule. You can also save to disk and create a custom report but I don't think you can save it for later use.

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