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Today's Failed Single Schedules

Even when I have failed schedules they do not show up in the "Today's Failed Single Schedules" folder. I use the query below against the CRD Database to determine errors in schedules each day.

(CRD 7.0 Build 20110714)

Select r.reportid, r.ReportName, sh.EntryDate, sh.ErrMsg, s.*
from Reportattr r
inner join ScheduleAttr s
on r.ReportID = s.Reportid
and s.status = 1
Inner Join ScheduleHistory sh
on sh.reportid = r.reportid
and sh.success = 0

Re: Today's Failed Single Schedules

This is quite a common occurrance on our build (20110714) too, could this be a feature of release 7.0? Can't say it was seen quite so much in previous versions.

Re: Today's Failed Single Schedules

The CRD Developers responded soon after I posted with saying they were able to duplicate this particular issue and it will most likely be a fix in the next or future builds of this version of CRD.

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