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Bugs for CRD Dev Team

Encountered this error in the past and was corrected through support now it is showing up again.

Number 1
Installed new build Version 7.0 Build 20110919s from Julys build and started getting more CRD.exe processes show up in the task manager than ever before. Nothing I did or didn't do would stop them from showing up. This is turn locked up the schedule and stopped producing reports. The schedule would look like they were running but no connections were going out to the databases. I rolled back CRD to the July build and this isntantly went away.

Number 2
and this one is still an issue with me. When you are in a Smart folder and click on a schedule to open it when you close that schedule the GUI navigates you back to the previous normal folder you were just in and away from the smart folder.

Number 3
The Smart Folder for Failed Single Schedules still does not work in Version 7. This is a bug I reported a while back.

Re: Bugs for CRD Dev Team

We are still running the July release (20110714) and number 1 is an issue for us too! Running CRD as an NT service there are three processes running under the NT Service id. With a large report running this causes delays with other schedules even with 4 threads set.

Re: Bugs for CRD Dev Team

Yeah thats cool. I haven't had a chance to get online with the CRD developers yet to trouble shoot it. They did say that they were able to duplicate the other issues and I am assuming they are working ona fix for those issues.

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