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CRD and Windows Permissions

A number of issues have arisen related to windows permissions. Some of the symptoms are as follows:

1. CRD refuses to accept registration information.
2. Options are not saved
3. Error messages relating to windows permissions are displayed.

Here is the fix:

-restart pc

-go to start - run and type in: regsvr32 “c:winntsystem32remoteregistry.dll”

-start crd and repeat the actions that first caused the error.

If you continue to get the error, check windows permissions on the following:

1. The Crystal Reports Distributor folder, its subfolders and files
2. The folder you have set as your temporary output folder.
3. The folder you are outputting the file to.
4. The folder or folders where your Crystal Reports are actually stored.

The Windows user running CRD must have read/write/add/change and delete rights on all these files and folders. The user must also have rights to the registry where CRD settings are stored.

For any further help, please log a call with the support desk by going to Help - Support in the application, or by visiting the website.

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