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Error in CRD Scheduler but not in Crystal Reports

I would like to know if anyone has this same problem that I have. I have some reports that when run in Crystal Reports if self it runs fine. But when scheduled to run through the CRD program or when you preview the report in CRD and refresh it I get errors like bad time format or bad date format.



Re: Error in CRD Scheduler but not in Crystal Reports

I have had a similar problem in the past. I have found that when making changes to reports, it can be advisable to shut down the service or background scheduler while adjustments are being made and then start it back up after making said adjustments.

Another reason might be corruption. Delete the report or package and rebuild it again in CRD.

In the end what solved my problem for sure, absolutely was upgrading to the latest version with a clean install.

Hope this helps.

Re: Error in CRD Scheduler but not in Crystal Reports

I tried that and I still have the same problem.

Re: Error in CRD Scheduler but not in Crystal Reports

It's complaining about a date or time.. try removing any formulas/fields with times in it (especially prompts) and see if it runs then. Then add them back one at a time and troubleshoot that way.

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