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Displaying properties of scheduled reports

Has anyone been having a problem displaying the schedule properties?

I can display the properties of a package but when I right click to display properties of a single schedule it begins to clock a bit as if it is doing something but never displays the properties. I've deinstalled and reinstalled CRD but still does not work...

Any help work be appreciated...

Re: Displaying properties of scheduled reports

I found that I had CR 7, 8, 8.5 and 9 installed on my PC. When I uninstalled ALL versions of CR, rebooted and then installed just 9 (the one I am actually using) the problem went away. I had to install the latest patches and hotfixes as well.

Re: Displaying properties of scheduled reports

I've finally resolved the problem. The hint to resolving this came when I tried to test the report in a Package Properties screen. An error came back mentioning the Richtx32.ocx file. When comparing the file creation date on a PC where the Single Report Properties worked and the PC where it did nothing, I noticed that the richtx32.ocx file in the winntsystem32 directory differed from that in the Crystal Report Distributor directory.

Following a procedure to registering the file with windows, I unregistered the older version, copied the one from the CRD directory and then registered that copy.

The PROPERTIES window now appears for a single report...

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