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Error while executing a package

While I tried to execute a package, the following error occurred.

Error Number: -2147190548
Module Name: mnubtcexec_click
Line Number: 141

Package execution failed!
1>HPS Adopted Doc List:Reports to Rick
Missing or out-of-date export DLL.

The Crystal dlls you have on your PC are either out of date, or you do not have the right version of Crystal installed.
- If you are using CRD for CR 8.5, you must make sure you have CR 8.5 Developer or above installed.
- If you are using CRD for CR 9.xx, you must make sure that you have CR 9.xx Developer or Advanced installed.
- If you are using CRD for CR 10.xx, you must make sure that you have CR 10.xx Developer or Advanced installed.
- In all the above cases, ensure you download and apply ALL the hotfixes that CR have released for your version. CR hotfixes are not cumulative, so you have to install ALL of them in order to get all the fixes. Finally, if all else fails, send a screenshot of your CR Help - About screen to and we will send you the most up to date files. Make sure the screenshot is of CR installed on the same PC as CRD.

I am using Crystal Reports 8.5 and the report is running fine from CR 8.5. The current CRD that I am running is version Build 20040604/85.
Please let me know what could be the problem.


Re: Error while executing a package

I just installed the latest version, and I am getting the same thing now. I seem to have tracked it down to the export format: excel or word don't seem to work for me, but PDF does.
I am thinking of reinstalling office..

Are you seeing the same thing?

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