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'Server has not yet been opened.' Error

While executing a report, the following error has occurred.

Error Number: -2147192184
Module Name: ProcessReport
Line Number: 27

Error Description:
Server has not yet been opened.

Either the main report logon information or subreport logon information is not correct. Or CRD is unable to pass the information through the ODBC to your database.
- Check that the logon information for main and subreports are correct.
- Try just the username and password without the server name or database name as this should already be set up in your ODBC.
- Try writing a new SYSTEM ODBC DSN using NT authentication for this report. Reselect location through the new DSN. Save the report and then write a schedule - but this time don't enter any credentials as the schedule will use the credentials in the ODBC.

I dont need any logon information in order to run the reports from CR 8.5, so it might be that CRD is unable to pass the information through the ODBC to your database. I tried creating a new SYSTEM ODBC DSN but it didnt worked.
Please let me know if someone knows about this error.


Re: 'Server has not yet been opened.' Error

Well.. I could rectify the error myself.
One of the subreports is using a different database though it is from the same server, so I need to reset the dblogin info for the sureport. And it solved the problem.

Re: 'Server has not yet been opened.' Error

thanks butno thanks

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