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Date parameters for month

I am a new user of CRD (Evaluation) and have come across a problem. Does anyone know how to run a report with Date Parameters for the previous month. I can't use "from {currentdate} - ? to {currentdate} -? because of the fact that there are not the same amount of days in each month.
Is there a simple way of telling CRD to choose the first day and the last day of the specified month?

Hope this makes sense.

Re: Date parameters for month

You need to look at it differently. Instead of trying to feed parameters into CRD, remove the parameters completly. Write your selection formula using the crystal formula: LastFullMonth.

Then schedule the report to run on the 1st of every month.

Re: Date parameters for month


I tried a long version of this which is too complicated to explain involving many formulas. Lastfullmonth is what I need.

Thanks a lot for you help.

Re: Date parameters for month

How can I set date parameters to run a report from the beginning of the current month to the current day?

Re: Date parameters for month

Modify the report selection formula. Remove the parameters completely and replace them with something like this:

{} >= to ?Startdate and {} <= ?Enddate

Replace with:
{} in MonthToDate

If you change this in the report itself, then CRD will not ask you for a parameter value as there won't be one. If you change it in CRD by clicking "Advanced", then CRD will ask you for a parameter value. You can put anything in the parameter value it asks you because when the report executes, CRD will ignore the parameter value you entered and use the selection formula you defined in "Advanced". The advantage of using "Advanced" is that the actual rpt itself is not modified so it can be used by other schedules, people or processes you have without having to duplicate the report.

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