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Large Resource Reports

I have created a report that is a hog on resources for about 1-2 minutes. I have tried to include this report into a package with others, but the end result is the application crashes and the package gets put into a waiting status. This causes a backlog on other reports that are trying to run. Any ideas on why that happens?

Re: Large Resource Reports

Windows isn't very good at allocating resources to desktop applications. Use the NT service instead of the background application scheduler and your report should run through OK. Windows does a better job managing resources for services.

Re: Large Resource Reports

I actually harder time running large resource reports with the service instead of the background application scheduler. Everytime I change it over to the service, the scheduler crashes. This is on a dual Xeon 900mhz server with 2 gigs of ram that does nothing but host a SQL database and run CRD. I don't think resources are the problem.

Alternatively, if I have a huge report that takes a long time to run, I schedule it by itself instead of in a package. I have 3 that I do this to, and I schedule them to run after everything else so that if they crash it doesn't hang up the entire process in the middle of the night.

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