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Event Scheduler "file change" doesn't work for me!

I've put together a schedule that will output a PDF file of the report. It is scheduled to run at 'none', because I want it to run only when certain event is triggered.

I've also added an event scheduler that will run the previous mentioned schedule when a specific file is modified. I've modifed the file several times and CRD4.5 has not triggered the event scheduler! I can run the event scheduler just fine! Any suggestions welcomed! Thanks.

Re: Event Scheduler "file change" doesn't work for me!

You have t use the Background Application Scheduler or the NT scheduler. Set this up in Options. The scheduler will use the polling interval to decide how often to poll to see if there is something to do. Because you are not using a scheduler, there is no polling happening, so your schedule is not being triggered.

If you write a schedule that you don't want to run, then set scheduling type to none in the schedule itself, or disable it.

But you must have a scheduler of some sort set up and installed.

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