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Login Failure

I am now having a problem running all of my reports. It appears that the login information that the report is getting is incorrect. But the strange thing is the login has not changed, I am the one who watches over it. The report directory structure has not changed. I did start updating reports in another machine and transferred the finished copy over to CRD server. That is when the problems started. I checked reports that have not been updated, by using the preview and execute now function and the below is the error that I am getting. I have tried to repair CRD also. Any ideas?

Error Number: -2147189176
Module Name: ProcessReport
Line Number: 15
Error Description: BCU:
Logon failed.
Details: 28000:[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user 'ABSHELPReports'.

You need to install:

1. The latest MDAC from
2. The latest Jet engine from
3. The latest .NET Framework from
3. Make sure that the ODBC DSN you are using in the report actually exists on the CRD PC, and that this is set up as System DSN.
4. Make sure that the CRD user has complete security rights to the Program Files/Crystal Reports Distributor folder and its subfolders.
5. Make sure the CRD user has complete security rights to the system registry.
6. If the database needs a username and password, make sure you provide this either in the ODBC DSN settings or in CRD.

Re: Login Failure

The error I recieve when I try and preview the report is Logon failed. Details: 28000:[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login Failed for user 'ABSHELPReports'.

This just started happening today.

Re: Login Failure

The fact that it is happening on changed and unchanged reports means that it is not an issue related to the changes you made to CRD. It is something else.

In the first instance, I would delete the dsn, install the latest MDAC, reboot, and create the dsn afresh. Make sure it is a system DSN.

If the problem doesn't go away, then something has indeed changed with this user. Set up another user and try that and see if this works.

Re: Login Failure

I am not sure if there is any impact on this issue, but I can open the report in Crystal Reports and it runs fine. Only when I use the CRD interface (preview or execute) does it give me these errors.

Re: Login Failure

I'm having a similar problem, but this is in initially setting up the reports. I've downloaded and installed the latest versions of everything, and the interactive user has full admin privileges. What I've noticed is that when I provide a different user name and password for the OLE DB login in CRD from the one that was used when the report was originally created in Crystal, the error message states that the login failed, not for the user name that I have specified in CRD, but for the original username that was specified when I created the report in Crystal. My question is this: is the report going to try and log in to the dattabase using the credentials supplied when it was created, regardless of what credentials I set in CRD, and if so, would using an ODBC connection rather than an OLE DB connection in creating the reports solve the problem?



Re: Login Failure

It seems that when I log in as another user it runs fine. What could be causing one user to crash and another user to run fine, when the permissions did not change.

Re: Login Failure

I've tried logging in to the database as a new user - that failed. Then when I went back to try logging in again with the original user, CRD is still reporting that the new user is failing, when I am no longer specifying those credentials, either in CRD or in Crystal.

Another interesting point is that, in watching the progress bar at the bottom, the process goes through creating the report, saving it do disk, emailing it and cleaning up before it stops and reports the original log-in error.


Re: Login Failure

Sorry about the running commentary, but out of morbid curiosity I tried closing CRD and restarting it. Now the report execution fails at exactly the same place, but the error message is completely blank.

I've also noticed that when trying to set values in the Options screen, whenever I click on OK or Apply, I get the message "Please enter a valid customer number or leave the field blank", followed by my changes completely failing to be saved. Did I install CRD incorrectly or something?


Re: Login Failure

You should have recieved a customer number in the initial email when you signed up for online help support(provided you did sign up).

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