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Schedules appear to be correct - they don't fail to run they just never start


Software Version : CRD Build 20040310/90.

There's something strange afoot. CRD has been happily running schedules for many months now and is now running 250+ reports. Yesterday the scheduler fell over in a strange way. Usually when there's a problem with a schedule the report failed to execute and it's documented in the history tab of the schedule. This particular case however just showed the little info icon and that the report was recurring on a date and time that had already passed. I decided to do very little about it and put it down to the strains of the end of month reporting. This morning however I come in to find that not one report schedule has ran today either. The majority of the schedules' history tab are still showing yesterdays date and time preceeded by the word 'recurring' as if there's nothing wrong.

All reports execute without incident when ran manually.

If you could offer any suggestions I would be most appreciative



Re: Schedules appear to be correct - they don't fail to run they just never start

Stop and start the service and all the past reports should start running again.

Alos, download and install the latest build as this automatically stops and start the service for you at regular intervals.

Re: Schedules appear to be correct - they don't fail to run they just never start

I have a similar problem where the report/schedule starts and shows that it is running in the system monitor, but then seems to 'hang'.

How can I check if CRD is re-starting the service at regular intervals? I have version Version Build 20040712/85


Re: Schedules appear to be correct - they don't fail to run they just never start

Try this:

1. Go to Options - Scheduling.
2. Select "No Scheduling Required"
3. Apply Settings
4. Go to Tools - System Tools - Compact System. Run the compact process about three times.
5. Restart the PC
6. Go back to Options - Scheduling and re-install the NT service.

I had this problem after a windows update and the above process sorted everything out for me.

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