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Subreport Data Problem

I am scheduling a single report with one sub-report. The schedule runs successfully, however if I am exporting it as a CSV, then the data in the subreport is not displayed.

I have tried several different export formats (CSV, text, pdf, html). The only one that seems to export all of the information is the html version.

Unfortunately, I need to use CSV, as the file will be uploaded and imported in to our company intranet.

Any ideas ?

Re: Subreport Data Problem

are there any paramaters in the subreport?

Re: Subreport Data Problem

This is a limitation of the Crystal runtime components.

Please check out the following doc re supported export features:

Subreports are noted as one of the features not supported when exporting to


Re: Subreport Data Problem

Looks like I will have to do seperate reports until such a time as Crystal runtime modules are modified.

Thanks for your help guys


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