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Error While Loading CRD

I am getting an error while loading CRD.
Error Number: -2147024769
Module Name: SetGlobalVars
Line Number: 41
Error Description:

Automation error
The specified procedure could not be found.

Suggestions to Fix:

Re: Error While Loading CRD

You are missing some pre-requisites and/or your security level is not high enough.

1. Uninstall CRD.
2. Download the very LATEST build. You can obtain this from
3. Log into the PC as a user with local administrator rights on the PC, and rights to the system registry and folders and subfolders under Program Files.
3. Install CRD.

If the problem still persists, register for support (Free) at When registration is complete, please log a support call using the oline form or by going to Help - Technical Support in the application.

When using CRD, make sure that the CRD user has full rights to the windows registry and the crd folder and sub folders.

Re: Error While Loading CRD

Thank You! I am going to try it now and let you know soon what happened.

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