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Moving CRD to new machine

We are moving CRD to a new machine. Can you tell me if we can re-register the old machine if necessary?

Re: Moving CRD to new machine

If you wish to move the application to another PC, please follow the process

1. Unregister the current installation by running the following command -

For example, if crd.exe is located in Program FilesCrystal Reports Distributor,
then, in Windows, got to Start - Run and then type in the following command:

"c rogram filesCrystal Reports Distributorcrd.exe" unregister

2. Follow the on-screen instructions.

3. Email the deactivation code to

4. Re-submit your activation request for the new PC

If you wish to install more copies of CRD than your license entitles you to,
please visit
where you can upgrade to a higher
Edition on-line.


Re: Moving CRD to new machine

You can revert to the old PC by doing the reverse process described earlier - deactivate the new and activate the old.

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