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Can't schedule crystal report using Remedy AR System ODBC driver

I'm attempting to schedule a crystal report that was created using the Remedy AR System ODBC driver, however when I try to preview the report within CRD it gives me the error: Logon failed. Details: 01000:[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The driver doesn't support the version of ODBC behavior that the application requested (see SQLSetEnvAttr). Has anyone been able to successfully scheduled a report using the Remedy ODBC driver?

Re: Can't schedule crystal report using Remedy AR System ODBC driver

I tried like hell to get this app to work with Remedy, no go.
I e-mailed support and here's some of the replies:

There are problems with the way the remedy driver interprets the data which is passed through it. The development team have suggested that you install MDAC 2.7 and then connect to the remedy database using a standard Microsoft ODBC DSN. You should be OK then.

After that didn't work, they suggested:
You will need to create a system dsn and then modify your reports to use that as the connection. It might also be an idea to update your ODBC drivers if possible.

Once that didn't work, I got this:
Can you please tell us which database the Remedy software is connecting to as quite often with this sort of problem it turns out to be easier to make the Crystal Report point directly to the underlying database than going through the Remedy ODBC drivers.

After that, I gave up. No matter what I did, it wouldn't work. Eventually we had to have a local programmer write a scheduler app.
If you get this to work, please let us (me) know how you did it.

Re: Can't schedule crystal report using Remedy AR System ODBC driver

Hi all,
i have been running CRD with remedy for over a year now..

Some hints..
- install everything on one box and make sure the report runs in Crystal on that box (to make sure hte ODBC in the report matches the ODBC on the server
- I use System DNS or User DNS, does not matter, but I don't setup any security in the ODBC, I just type in my user id and password on the report when I set it up in CRD (yes, you will have to do this for every report, but you can set a default and use it)
- It does seem to have an issue with Crystal 10, and you may have to use a 9 or 8.5 driver (I think this is a remedy restriction, not CRD, so you would already run into this with crystal)
- Install all the items that CRD wants you to install (MACD, .NET etc etc)
- Can you run the test from CRD?
- Try it both in a package and individual report (I use packages exclusively, even if it's jsut one report, easier to maintain)

I'll try to think of more and post

Re: Can't schedule crystal report using Remedy AR System ODBC driver

Oh, another thing:

Try to run the most basic report first. I have issues with prompts (even if it's not used in the report and crystal doesn't prompt you for the variable, CRD will still try to get it)
also, some formulas cause issues.
- Run Database, Verify Database in Crystal, to make sure you have the most current fields

again, run a report that only has a couple of fields and a simple selection criteria (don't leave it blank)

ok, I am just dumping here, but it'll give you something to play with


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