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Bursting Large report into Small by Store

I have an urgent deadline that requires me to take a large report which is grouped by store, and have it burst into several small reports, one for each store.

I can't find anything on the subject in the help files although it is supposedly one of CRD's features.

Could somebody please direct me to the right location for instructions on how to do this?

Thank you!

Re: Bursting Large report into Small by Store

Look for the section on"Dynamic Schedules"

Re: Bursting Large report into Small by Store

Thank you

Re: Bursting Large report into Small by Store

Well, I've been through the section on Dynamic Schedules line by line and I still can't see where or how I tell the program to take this large report which is grouped by client, split it and export it into a bunch of little reports - one for each client with only the data for that client in each file.

This is so frustrating! What am I missing?!?

Re: Bursting Large report into Small by Store

You need to modify your report slightly:
1. Add a new parameter. Call it , say, clientname
2. Set it up so that when you enter a client name, the report shows only that client's information. i.e a single group of that client's info and nothing else.
3. This parameter is now what CRD calls the "Key Parameter"
4. Now you have a key parameter, you want to tell CRD to reel through a database list of clients, start at the top of the list, enter the first client, generate a report for just that client, and email it to the prescribed email address. Then to do this for every client in the list.

If you click on the help link next to the key parameter in the wizard, it explains how to do this.

It is also explained in the help file, but if you have any more questions, just post them and I'll help you as best as I can.

Re: Bursting Large report into Small by Store

I'm trying something similar and creating a dynamic schedule, but I'm not getting any data. It doesn't reel through the data, it just creates an empty file.

I have done what the help file shows, but it does not work for me.

Any ideas?

Re: Bursting Large report into Small by Store

Simply create a bursting schedule. The schedule allows you too burst based on grouping. So if you group on store and store is defined as Group 1. You Group 1 as your source.

I have several schedules bursting using this method...

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