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Schedules are incorrectly sending multiple emails to recipients

This post is for information only as the problem has now been solved. Although this would appear to be a known problem to CRD support we can find no information relating to it within the CRD help, the user forum or the FAQs so we thought it would be useful to add this post. We set up a number of schedules which emailed reports to various recipients. However the recipients would often receive multiple emails (with the same date/time) instead of a single one. After a lot of investigation we tracked the problem down to a terminal services session which was open on the CRD server. This user connection (in addition to the user logged on to the server console) caused the schedule to be looked at a second time. Hence the two emails generated. Once this session was terminated the problem resolved itself ie only a single email was sent by the scheduler. CRD support say that they specifically advise not to use terminal services on a CRD server but we never came across any documentation relating to this in our investigations.

Re: Schedules are incorrectly sending multiple emails to recipients

When you first install CRD, it is in the splash screen that comes up. I think it is also in the knowledgebase.

Anyway, I have dealt with CRD support on this issue in the past. I have just asked them again and they say that there will be a resolution for it by the end of November in version 5. I know they have tried a number of methods to get around it in the past (unsuccessfully) so I am holding my breath on this, but it will be good if they finally manage to come up with a solution.

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