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Suddenly having permission denied error message now I'm having this weird permission denied error when I create a new report or refresh an old report.

I recently changed my network admin password, but I am now logged in under that password on this XP box. I'm now sure how this would affect CRD unless the logon as rights in the services need to be updated too. Perhaps someone can confirm my suspicions or offer another solution? Thanks!

Re: Suddenly having permission denied error message

You will have to change the service logon info so that your schedules execute properly - but that's not the cause of your current error.

It seems that the new credentials do not have rights to the folder where the source reports are stored or to the CRD cached folder or both.

When I had this, it takes 5 hours for the new credentials to propagate to all our servers so after I waited long enough everything was OK. Don't know if thats the case for you, but folder and file permissions is what you need to be looking at.

Hope that helps.

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