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CRD 4.5 build 20041007 MAPI Problems

I'm getting this error only when the to: addresses contain two internal email addresses. If I delete one it's fine but as soon as I add a second the error comes up. Thanks...

Error Number: -2147418113
Module Name: mnubtcexec_click
Line Number:
Error Description: Package execution failed!
MAPI Mail Error: Catastrophic failure (Module ID:57)
Suggeston: No suggestions available

Re: CRD 4.5 build 20041007 MAPI Problems

I had this when one of my recipients had an apostrophe in their name. The only way around it was to use their full email address (

Another method is to create a group with the person in it and send it to the group.

Either way, make sure that you have the latest CDO installed on the CRD PC and all the service packs on exchange, as this solved a large number of issues for me.

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