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Dynamic Parameters in Evaluation version 5.0

Does the Dynamic Parameter work in the eval version? Everytime I try to use it, I get an error. "Error number: 13, Module Name: _SaveParameters, Line Number: 0, Error Description: Input string was not in a correct format."

I am trying to enter in a number as a parameter to represent the year and another parameter for the month. I am pulling these as numbers from the database. Any suggestions?

If this can be made to work, my life will become MUCH easier, and I think the price of this tool will be a small price for the company to pay.

Re: Dynamic Parameters in Evaluation version 5.0

If the parameter type in the report does not match the data type of the database column, you can get this error. So check to make sure that if the data type is number, then the parameter type is also set as number, etc.

Does this help?

Re: Dynamic Parameters in Evaluation version 5.0

Yes, but not really :)

All values are of type number.

Re: Dynamic Parameters in Evaluation version 5.0

Well when you set up a parameter in CR, the type is defaulted to string. You tend not to bother with this because CR does not use this property itself most of the time, but it seems CRD does...

Did it work after you had matched the CR parameter type with the database column data type?

Re: Dynamic Parameters in Evaluation version 5.0

With dynamic schedules, the idea is that it is automated, so the date range needs to be automated as well. Remove the two date parameters you have in the crystal report and replace them with a formula. For example if you want data for the last week, use the formula e.g. database.mydate in lastfullweek.

Use the key parameter to determine a: what group CRD should run the report for, and what destination said report should go to.

Re: Dynamic Parameters in Evaluation version 5.0

I don't think I understand...

Here is a sample of the record selection code in Crystal:

{Command.OPEN_TIME} in date({?Year},{?Month},01) to dateadd("d",-1,dateadd("m",1,date({?Year},{?Month},01)))

{?Year} and {?Month} are of type number.

Report_Period.Year and Report_Period.Month are of type number.

All values are stored in a DB2 database.

Re: Dynamic Parameters in Evaluation version 5.0

Doesn't look like a simple issue. a candidate for a support call me thinks.

Re: Dynamic Parameters in Evaluation version 5.0

I think Amy is right. They normally come back with an answer in hours rather than days.

Do let us know what they said.

Re: Dynamic Parameters in Evaluation version 5.0

The issues described above have been resolved in Build 20031130 and later.

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