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dynamic schedule not working in CRD5


anyone tried the dynamic schedule in CRD5 with an oracle 8.1.7 db?

After defining our dynamic schedule, it does not run. And if we were to click on properties for the newly defined dynamic sched report to view its properties, the Output Destination we defined is gone! and so is the report parameter - it shows blank as well!

Also, I thought we were supposed to be able to do dynamic report parameter + static output destination or vice versa - but the wizard seems to only allow for static/dynamic parameter but the output destination has to come from the database. Also the wizard seems to be the only way to create things - once created and you view the properties for the report, we got the above 'symptoms'.

Is this by design or a bug?



Re: dynamic schedule not working in CRD5

There were a number of issues with CR 10 users and dynamic schedules. These will be resolved in the build to be uploaded in about 15 minutes.(Build 20041130)

Static destination has not been requested before, but This has now been put in the list for release in January.

Re: dynamic schedule not working in CRD5

Did you ever get this to work?
I am evaluating CRD and could not get the dynamic schedule working (Oracle 8.1.7). I have logged a support call and also tried bursting schedule. So far my diagnosis is it has something to do with parsing sql via odbc to supply the data to the parameter or destination directory. I could schedule task to update or insert rows into the oracle database. I also noticed that the tables list come up without schema prefix and I always have to use 'advanced option' to key in the schema prefix else it won't be parsing correctly.

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