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multiple database connection

So far so good, but my crystal reports that are connecting to 2 databases (MSSQL) are failing when scheduled. In the options, i only see one database login area. Am i missing something?? Can this be achieved. thanks,chris

Re: multiple database connection

Use Windows authentication wherever you can. e.g for your SQL ODBC DSN. That way CRD is not expected to feed in logon credentials.

(Make sure you refresh the ODBC iformation in the report after you have made your ODBC changes so that the report is not expecting logon information. Then refresh the schedule to pull in the new changes)

Re: what about non-MSSQL multiple database connection

Thanks alot for the quick reply. This will solve my problem with my MSSQL databases, but I also have instances of Oracle and other non MS databases where i cannot use windows autentication. This is one of the main strengths of crystal so i'm assuming it's possible. thanks again. chris

Re: multiple database connection

If your db logon information is stored in the report, then there is no need to enter any credentials in CRD. Connection to the database will be done by the report. We know this to be the case for certain Oracle users who use Crystal 10.

Alternatively, do not connect to the database through ODBC. Instead use native crystal connectivity (the Crystal dlls). Again the report will do all the logging in that is required so there is no need to enter any credentials in CRD.

CRD does not have multiple Logon information because it would need to be specified for every table that the report uses. This can stretch into dozens and is extremely difficult to manage.

So try entering the credentials and saving them in the Crystal report, and try out OLEDB connections through the report.

Re: multiple database connection

Write a view or stored proc on one of your SQL servers which pulls all the information from the various databases. Then write your report to point to this view. You will only need to authenticate the one connection then. Even better if you set up the DSN to the view with Windows authentication.

Re: multiple database connection

The latest version of CRD stores multiple logon credentials for subreports, and for individual tables within a report.

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