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CRD 5 Build 20041130 is awesome

I have just tried the latest build, and I am very impressed. It does exactly what it is supposed to do. It is loaded with functionality I din't know I needed till I tried it. I love the automated Faxing facility and the backup SMTP server facility. And dynamic schedules will save met tons and tons of time. Well done you guys.

But (there is always a but)

I want to be able to store my schedules in my SQL database so I can write triggers, reports etc. I read in the Edition Functionality matrix that this is a feature but I can't see where to set this. Can anyone help?

Re: CRD 5 Build 20041130 is awesome

Thank you very much for your "thumbs up". The functionality you are looking ofr will be released on 8 December 2004.

For more details on what is coming in future versions of CRD, please visit

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