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output settings won't keep

trouble with output settings.

1. Reports from 4 are not compatible with version 5. I have to set up all new schedules. version 4 was very robust and relaiable -- hardware problems forced a move now...

2. default Printer output locks up crd5.

3. settings are lost after inpjutting a new schedule. the settings with options must be re-entered several times. very frustrating and time-consuming.

Re: output settings won't keep

1. Use the migration wizard to migrate from one to the other. No need to re-write thje schedules again.

2. Use the latest build - 20041130, otherwise best log a support call. It works OK for me. Anyone else with this problem?

3. Use the latest build as I logged this with them a week ago and it is now fixed.

I have found build 20031130 to be as stable as 4.5 so try this. It's worth taking the time to get to knoe V5 as it has a lot of useful features. The Migration Wizard is one such feature which will save you lots of time.

Hope this helps.

Re: output settings won't keep

Hi, I used the migration wizard and some of my schedules where imported twice. Did that happen to anyone?

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