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Migration Wizard

Hi, I have used the migration wizard and my single schedules where all imported twice. Did anyone else come accross this?

I have logged a support call about this.


Re: Migration Wizard

I have just imported about 150 packages and 200 schedules and there were no duplicates at all.

Maybe your source file needs to be compacted before you run the wizard... ?

Re: Migration Wizard

Thanks. I will try that.

Re: Migration Wizard

When I imported mine something happened that every scheduled is now trying to email over and over and over starting at 12:01AM on the day the schedule was set to run at 8 AM. Needless to say I successfully brought the email system to its knees.

The company reindexed my file and I am testing again. I wonder if the Migration Wizard is hit or miss at this stage?

Re: Migration Wizard

I tried the compacting and then reimported and still the same problem.

Regarding trhe execution time I had that problem with the previous release of CRD that al the schedule where set to 12AM. In the latest version (1130) the schedule time wass correct.

Re: Migration Wizard

I have tried everything and my single schedule get imported twice. Eveything else seems to go fine. Anyone else experience this?


Re: Migration Wizard

Hi Joel,

I'm sorry to post on this thread. I just noticed you mentioned something about the migration wizard. I supposed you're using CRD5.0.

I'm just interested to know the steps you took prior to installing the CRD5.0. I've followed the steps specified on the site but i'm getting the ff. error message when i tried to ran CRD5.0:

crd5.exe - Common Language Runtime Debugging Services
Application has generated an exception that could not be handled.
Process id=0x6b0 (1712), Thread id=0xdb0 (3504).
Click OK to terminate the application.
Click CANCEL to debug the application.

would appreciate your thoughts on this coz i'm running out of ideas. again, sorry to intrude in your posted thread.

thanks and regards.


Re: Migration Wizard

Make sure you have the latest version of Microsoft.NET Installed on your pc.

Re: Re: Migration Wizard

I have been having the same issue with the Migration wizard duplicating singles.

Another issue with migrated singles is that the Report Output and Destination can not be modified.
Executing the schedule produces no report and no errors.

Re: Migration Wizard

Ann, if you are still having this problem then it might be worth trying to download the latest release from the website. If that fails then log a support call. The guys are normally very quick to respond.

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