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Why doesnt this program produce HTML reports???? HELP

This is unbelievable, I have purchased this piece of software for a lot of money and it doesnt work properly. I have had so many errors appear. Can anybody help or advise me on how I can output to HTML.

When I run the crystal report it works fine, but when i try to output to HTML it comes up with the error message;

Not a 4.x or earlier version of crystal reports.

Any help would be gratefull

Many Thanks

Damian Hall
Network and Systems Developer

Re: Why doesnt this program produce HTML reports???? HELP

This isn't a CRD error, because I have been using CRD to export to HTML for over 2 years now. Also, all CRD errors come with a Module number and a Line number. It sounds like the error is coming from the Crystal runtime components you have installed on your PC.

Run through the pre-requisites document and make sure that you have all the pre-requisites in place. In particular, make sure that you have Crystal Developer or Advanced Developer edition installed and it must be Version 8.5, 9.xx or 10.xx.

Re: Why doesnt this program produce HTML reports???? HELP

Thanks for the reply, the error number i get is

I am also running 8.5 Crystal reports professional.

Any ideas?


Re: Why doesnt this program produce HTML reports???? HELP

Also the

Line number is 151

and process report

Re: Why doesnt this program produce HTML reports???? HELP

See Pre-requisites document (The is a shortcut in CRD's Windows start menu folder): CRD is NOT guaranteed to work with Crystal Professional. The minimum requirement is Developer or Developer Advanced. Once you install one of the these, your problems will disappear

Re: Why doesnt this program produce HTML reports???? HELP

I am doing some beta testing for CSS and I asked the support desk why they had not replied to your support issue. They said they have sent you a couple of emails but have not received any replies.

If you did not receive their emails, then check and make sure that "christiansteven,com" is whitelisted in your antispam so you receive stuff from them in the future.

Re: Why doesnt this program produce HTML reports???? HELP

Thankyou for you help, i am going to try getting the evaluation version of Crystak reports developer.

See what happens, i would of though though being that it works just outputting in rpt format, it is a mystery why HTML or XML wont export.


Re: Why doesnt this program produce HTML reports???? HELP

Well, the only way for third part applications like CRD to interface with the rpt file and also to export to the standard outputs is through components which are written by Crystal.

Crystal itself does not use these components, but other applications have to use them. Also it is against your license agreement to reverse-engineer the rpt file, so companies like CRD have no choice but to use these components.

Crystal does not include all the required components in Professional. e.g. it is missing the html component. Unfortunately, it is not a simple as finding the correct dll and registering it. They have made it very convoluted, so you have to install Developer or Advanced to get the component to work.

That is why some export types work for you, but others don't.

Re: Why doesnt this program produce HTML reports???? HELP

The way that CS have laid out there pricing plan it is very confusing, it it very hard to find information on there site, you have been very helpful, and at least if the developer version works i can just upgrade my existing version of CR.

I will post my results in a few hours,

Thankyou Mary you have been very helpfull

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