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Crystal reports V8.5 & V10 - HELP

If mary sees this post, thanks, the developer edition allowed me to run HTML, but i have come accross another error, not directly to do with CRD.

I currently use CRD and schedule reports through crystal reports V10, I have some users who still use V 8.5 .

The reports wont open in 8.5 after they have been compiled by V10, does anybody know it there is a patch to allow me to run Crystal reports V10 reports on V8.5???

Many Thanks

Re: Crystal reports V8.5 & V10 - HELP

Yes, I have seen your post, and you're very welcome.

You cannot backward export reports, so what you will need to do is to uninstall CR 10 developer and install CR 8.5 developer. You won't be able to get an Evaluation of this, but you can find a number of resellers who still sell it if you do a quick search on Google. Alternatively, your normal software reseller might be able to source it for you.

Re: Crystal reports V8.5 & V10 - HELP

2 results in one day, things are looking good!, lol

Thanks again


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