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CRD v5 Package Reports Error

I am testing out our reports in CRD v5 evaluation version to see if we want to upgrade. I am having some issues with my packaged reports. I am getting this error "CNNI MedisOps:CNN Media Ops Report
Logon failed.
Details: 01000:[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The driver doesn't support the version of ODBC behavior that the application requested (see SQLSetEnvAttr)."

All the other reports are fine.
Has anyone else had any issues with v5 package reports?

Re: CRD v5 Package Reports Error

The ODBC driver you are using to connect to the database is not properly ODBC compliant. It doesn't understand the standard ODBC calls that CRD is making to it. You other ODBC drivers do, which is why your reports work.

What to do:

Get the latest version of that driver and it should be fully ODBC compliant.


See if you ODBC dDSN will store the credentials in it so that CRD does not need to pass it. Then delet the credentials from CRD, uncheck the option and let your ODBC driver do the authenticating.

Re: CRD v5 Package Reports Error

Well, actually just to test my ODBC driver I did the same exact report with the same exact ODBC driver as a Single Schedule instead of having it in a Package and it worked fine, so this convinces me that it has something to do with the package and not the report itself.
Any ideas?

Re: CRD v5 Package Reports Error

I would log a technical support call at this point


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