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Migrating schedules from Version 4.5 to Version 5

I am upgrading from the latest build of CRD Version 4.5 to 5. I have never used the migration wizard and didn't even know it existed until today. I can not even find the migration wizard in my CRD 4.5. Is this option only open for certain versions? I am running the Platinum version. Can anyone help me with directions on how to move my schedules from 4.5 to 5?

Re: Migrating schedules from Version 4.5 to Version 5

This is an option in CRD 5, not CRD 4.5. Install CRD 5. Go to Windows Start - Programs - ChristianSteven - CRD5 and you will see it there.

Re: Migrating schedules from Version 4.5 to Version 5

Wow! Its so easy!!!


Re: Migrating schedules from Version 4.5 to Version 5

You might want to check all your schedules coz I'm getting some problems with my schedules after I have migrated them from 4.5 to 5.

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