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Dynamic reports to multiple outputs

I have a dynamic report that is saved to disk, but I also need to email it. Currently in CRD4.5 I have to run it twice. In CRD5, you extended the functionallity to allow output to multiple destinations (based on my suggestion, I might add), but apparently did not do this for the dynamic reports. Is this something that cannot be done, or is it in a future release?

Re: Dynamic reports to multiple outputs

Because the destination is tied into the key parameter value we can only process one destination type e.g email or disk at a time.

During the design process of CRD 5, this option was discussed and was tried out, but was rejected in the final testing phases for technical reasons.

I will put it back on the list again and see if I can push for it to be re-visited.

Re: Dynamic reports to multiple outputs

I would think that as long as the email destination is coming from the same source as the disk destination (just a seperate field), that this could be doable???

Re: Dynamic reports to multiple outputs

I am told that it's not as simple as that. However, it is not on the list to be revisited next year, so hang on in there...

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