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Parameters - prompt everytime you run schedule?


Could the parameters be prompted everytime you run the schedule?

I want the person running the schedule to select the date (from a list of dates as parameter). The reports will print according to the date selected.

Right now, the only way I found out how to do it is by actually opening the schedule (properties), going to report and preview, that's when the parameter prompt comes up and I can select the date. Otherwise, if I execute the schedule, it won't prompt the parameters and it will just print the reports with the date of the last time I selected a date.

I hope it is clear, and somebody could help me!

Thanks in advance!

Re: Parameters - prompt everytime you run schedule?

The whole ethos behind CRD is that there is no interactivity with users. You set up a schedule with parameter values, and it runs and delivers the reports at specified times without any user interaction. It completely automates the process.

If you wish the system to, say, enter "today's date" as the parameter value every time, then you need to enter a CRD constant instead of an actual date.

If you are using CRD to view reports only, then there are specific and CR viewers on the market which will do this.

Or have I misunderstood your question...

Re: Parameters - prompt everytime you run schedule?

Hi, thanks for your prompt reply. Yes, you understood my question.

Ok, I thought you could enter parameters in the report and for CRD to actually prompt you the parameter, so what's the point in having parameters?

But I see what you are saying, so I can enter a constant for it to prompt for date?

Let me try it, and see what I come up with.


Re: Parameters - prompt everytime you run schedule?

If you right-click - insert - crytal constanst and select currentdate, it won't ptompt you for a date. Instead, it will always automatically enter "today's date".

There is no provision for CRD to be interactive because it is designed to be automatic and to NOT prompt the user for values when it runs.

Re: Parameters - prompt everytime you run schedule?

Thanks for your reply.

I have to design another way for it to prompt.

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