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Dynamic report and Linked table filters

When creating a dynamic report, and linking the report parameter to a table, you can also select additional "filters", when the key parameter is linked to a database field. Example is a Monthly Sales report for all salesreps that are active (status=A).
Once the report is saved, I don't seem to be able to edit the additional filters (for instance, I want to change it to sales reps where the status=I).

I am using CRD5 (1/11/05), and crystal 10.

Re: Dynamic report and Linked table filters

In Linking (properties) simply clieck on the altready selected option (Populate with data from a database) and your previous query should show up and can be edited there.

Re: Dynamic report and Linked table filters

Thanks, that works. It's not very obvious though on why you should select an entry that's already selected. You really should have a seperate "button" to get to the advanced filters.

Re: Dynamic report and Linked table filters

I am looking at the very latest build which was released about 5 minutes ago. And, would you believe it, but they have done exactly what you suggested!

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