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error running CRD5.0

hi everyone,

i am migrating to CRD5.0 from CRD4.5
i have downloaded the file CRDSetup.exe from the site and ran it from my PC. i didn't encounter any error during installation. when i tried to run CRD i am getting the ff error message:

crd5.exe - Common Language Runtime Debugging Services
Application has generated an exception that could not be handled.
Process id=0x6b0 (1712), Thread id=0xdb0 (3504).
Click OK to terminate the application.
Click CANCEL to debug the application.

i am also getting the same error message when i tried to ran Activate CRD.

any input/insights on this would be greatly appreciated.

thanks and regards.


Re: error running CRD5.0

Download and install the latest .NET framework, and make sure that you have intalled Crystal developer or advanced.

Install the above, and CRD, whilst logged in as the local administrator of thr PC.

Once these are in place, it should work.

Re: error running CRD5.0

Download and install the latest .NET framework, and make sure that you have intalled Crystal developer or advanced.

Install the above, and CRD, whilst logged in as the local administrator of thr PC.

Once these are in place, it should work.

Hi Greg,

thanks for your quick reply.

I've downloaded the latest .Net framework installer file from ms site and installed it on my PC.
i am logged as the local admin and there's a crystal developer version installed on it too.
still, i'm getting the error message when i tried to ran CRD.

any other thoughts?


Re: error running CRD5.0

i case anyone is interested in the solution of the problem i've posted, i have reported this to the technical support team and they have issued another build (5.1) that is available on the site. it solved my problem. also, you might want to install a couple of hotfixes for CR9 before you install it.



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