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Multiple Reports to same email recipient

I have been using CRD 4.5 and 5 for a while, and the single biggest complaint from my user base is that they get several emails with the attached reports (always PDF) rather than one email. Most of the users get their reports from a variety of schedules (single, dynamic, packages, etc..) and they are run throughout the night. Is there anyway to accumulate emailed reports by recipient and attach them all to a single email that could be sent at one time? It doesn't look like the delay email works in this manner, just against a single schedule.

Re: Multiple Reports to same email recipient

The delay email (generate now, send later) is designed to do just that and nothing else. It simply delays the email so that it is sent at a different time. It is not designed to pick up and merge emails from multiple schedules.

I have put in an enhancement request for you so that you can use custom tasks to achieve what you are looking for. Here's how it will work:

1. Instead of emailing the reports, you export each recipient's reports to their nominated folder.

2. In the Custom Tasks of the last schedule to run, you add multiple an "Send an Email" task - one for each recipient.

3. In each email, you point the attachemnt path to the relevant recipient's export folder e.g. c:crdexportsjohn*.* This is where the enhancement request is because at the moment it doesn't allow *.*.

4. When the last schedule runs, its final act will be to reel through the list of folders, attach all the reports to the correct emails, and email them off to the relevant revcipient.

5. Then write a custom action to move all files from each folder to another folder (or re-name them, or delete them) so that the original folder is empty and ready for the next time the schedules run.

Instead of using a custom task on the lkast schedule, you could simply write an automation schedule and schedule it to run at a time in the morning when you know all the other schedules have finished exporting. This would be the better option as it makes trouble-shooting easier (shoud anything go wrong).

I will let you know when the enhancement is in place.

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