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Change email address of recipient

Hi Everyone,

I installed a copy of CRD4.5 in another PC. I restore the backup from CRD4.0. I tested a report and changed the email address to another. When I executed the schedule, the old recipient also received the report as the new recipient.

Can you tell me how can I clear the old recipient (email address)? Do I need to clear any cache or anything. I already refresh the schedule but it did not do any good.



Re: Change email address of recipient

I tried what you said and mine worked ok. Maybe some corruption because of the move from 4 to 4.5?

Re: Change email address of recipient

I installed CRD5 and its what I'm using right now. I'm not having any problems with this version. I just left the old version coz its eating up my time figuring out what's wrong

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