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Parameters for Last Year


We are new with the CRD and are trying to schedule some of our reports to come out automatically but have run into a question with some of the parameters. In our reports we run the 'lastfullmonth' which we can use as the selection formula but we also want to run it for the same time period for the previous year. For example we just ran the December report and the parameters are 12-1-04 through 12-31-04 and 12-1-03 through 12-31-03 because we want to compare year over year. Is there any way to set a selection formula to say lastfullmonth from the previous year? It would help us out tremedously. Thanks for any information.

Re: Parameters for Last Year

You will need to run the report at 23:55 ish on the last day of the current month and use the following CR constants:

For this month: monthtodate
For this month last year: LastYearMTD

Re: Parameters for Last Year

I will give that a try. Thank you very much!

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