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How does CRD pick the order to run reports when backed up.

I have many reports set to run during the night, they don't run in the order I set them up based on the schedule times. How does CRD pick the order?
How can I specify the order?

Re: How does CRD pick the order to run reports when backed up.

Set your reports to run at different times. e.g instead of 3 reports all set to run at 08:00, set one to run at 08:00, another at 08:01 and the third at 08:02 etc.

If they get backed up in the queue, they will run in the order they were put in the queue. It might help to update to the latest build of 4.5 or to upgrade to 5.1.

Also, try compacting the database, and set your polling intterval to be shorter e,g 30 seconds so that CRD finds 1 schedule every time it polls.

Also, switch off multi-threading as this will interfere with the order. e.g report 1 starts and takes 10 minutes to run. So whilst it is running, report 2 starts and takes 15 seconds, so report three starts and takes 20 minutes. Report 4 starts and takes 1 minute, reports 56 and 6 then start etc. etc. The longer reports take a lot longer to finish, so the assumption is that they are not executed in order. In reality, they are, but the execution does not finish in order.

Re: How does CRD pick the order to run reports when backed up.

I do set them up with different times ex. 8:00, 8:05,
8:10, 8:15.
But when there are 15 reports in queue they don't run in the order they were sent to the queue. I could have one that was put in the queue at 1:00AM and a report which went in 5 hours later will run first.

Re: How does CRD pick the order to run reports when backed up.

It depends how long the 1am report takes to complete running, and whether you have multi-threading switched on or not.(See my previous posting).

The fact that you have a queue leads me to believe that the 1am report takes 6 hours and that you have multi-threading switched on. So the 5 am report (which takes a shorter time to complete) will start at 5am, but finish before the 1am report has finished.

The thing to look out for is not when they START running, but when the FINISH. CRD will start the reports running when you say, but CRD has no control over when it finishes.

Take a look at the report start and finish times, check that you do not have multi-threading switched on, compact the system, and make sure that Terminal Services or XP remote control services are not used to take control of the CRD PC at all as TS affects the date/time and locale of the scheduling environment.

Re: How does CRD pick the order to run reports when backed up.

I set up 4 reports yesterday the 30th, using the 29th as the next run date. I swear I saw the first one start running. But when I came in this morning not only haven't they run but they are at the bottom of the queue list after all the reports that queued up over night. This does not aggree with what you have said above... Is there any way to change the priority in the queue?

Re: How does CRD pick the order to run reports when backed up.

What you have here is a problem with the system. What we need to do is to end this thread, and instead go back to the technical support issue you raised with the helpdesk. Zip up and send them a copy of your reportdesklive.dat (which you will find in the CRD folder)as a reply to the email they sent you. Also, tell the name of the schedules you set up yesterday which they should find still sitting in the queue.

I will get your file looked at and someone will be in touch with you shortly after.

Re: How does CRD pick the order to run reports when backed up.

The very latest build of CRD 5 wil now run backed up schedules strictly in "next run" order.

As an added extra, the next build which will be released next week will allow you to disable individual reports inside packages.

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