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Service ran by CRD5

Hi everyone,

Can anyone tell me what are the services that are being ran by CRD5?

Thanks and regards.


Re: Service ran by CRD5

CRD5 and CRD5 Monitor

Re: Service ran by CRD5


Do I need the two for the CRD5 to ran without any hitch? I noticed yesterday when I upgraded to CRD5 from previous version that the schedule was ran again. I don't have any problems with that. That just proved that the system is working.

When I came in this morning, the two single schedules that were supposed to ran early this morning is still waiting on the queue with status 'waiting'.

And its taking so long for them to run, just sitting there 'waiting' =) I ended up executing them manually and removing them from the waiting queue.

What do you think is the problem? Yesterday, I tried to start the CRD5 services but I'm getting some errors. But since the other schedules were ran without any problem I thought that I don't need it. That all I need is the CRD5 Monitor services.


Re: Service ran by CRD5

When I try to start the CRD5 service, I am getting the ff:

Could not start the CRD5 service on Local Computer
Error 1068: The dependency service or group failed to start.


Re: Service ran by CRD5

Yes, both need to be running.

My feeling is that your security is not right. Make sure you have set up all the correct securities for the NT service user (See help file - there is a later version on the website which is more informative - and there are further instructions in the Knowledgebase as well. Also, instead of starting it in services, go into CRD Options, set scheduling to "None", apply, then set to NT service again, and don't forget to hit "Start Service" in CRD after they have showed up in Windows Services.

If these don't help, then I think you need to log a technical support call for this one.

Re: Service ran by CRD5

The 2 services are working now.
Thanks a lot.
I just have to wait till tom again to see if it will mess up the schedules again.


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