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Changing order in which reports print

I use a schedule to print out a large number of reports. I keep adding new reports. I would like them all to print out in alphabetical order.

How do I do this?

Re: Changing order in which reports print

I assume you are using a package. The idea of a package is that the exported reports go to one destination. If you are sending to a printer then, it has gone to the printer - so that's your destination. I have noticed that they will print in the order in which I added the reports to the package.

When I wanted them to print in a specific order, then I broke the package up into individual schedules and set the schedule time so that the one I wanted first runs first, then the next and so on.

I hope this helps.

Re: Changing order in which reports print

Jane is right.

However, I have added this to the enhancement list for a future release (in the next 3 months).

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