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Need to schedule monthly report

I need to schedule a report which will run on the 10th of every month. But under the month schedule option I see only 5 options first,second,third,forth and last.There is no option to choose any other day other than these five.
Can any one suggest how should I do this?

Re: Need to schedule monthly report

You need to create a custom calendar. In Properties, check custom calendar and then drop down and select "New". When the custom calendar comes up, select the 10th of each moth as far as you want to go and use this calendar for the required schedule.

Re: Need to schedule monthly report

Simple. Select Monthly, but don't click the "..." button. Now change the Start Date to be the 10th of the month, and the next run date to be the 10 th of the month.

After that, it will run on the 10th of every month.

Re: Need to schedule monthly report

Oh, another thing. If you have already clicked "..." in your schedule and you have selected something, then you wil need to re-write the schedule afresh. That way, when you click "..." the two fields are blank. When they are blank, CRD will use the start date as its calculation start point.

Re: Re: Need to schedule monthly report

Thanks a lot. That is a good idea


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