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Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


CRD5 was working yesterday and this morning.
I tried to ran some reports this afternoon. All of a sudden I'm getting the ff error messages:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

I did a reboot of the PC and I noticed there was an entry in the event viewer for application error log that has something to do with the file CRW32.EXE. Isnt this a file that is connected to crystal report?



Re: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

It seems that your Crystal installation is corrupt. I would re-install Crystal. But make sure you are logged in as the local administrator whilst doing so.

Re: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


did you have this error on schedules that have to export to Tab Separated(*.txt)-type?

we also have this error but only when we export to tab-separated-files, and apparently this should be a bug and will be fixed in the next build...

Re: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

This particular error is a fairly generic error and occurs in many places. What is important is the error number, module number, line number and accompanying text. So your error may not actually be the same as Ann's.

If anyone gets an error like this, please click "Copy" on the error message, or gopy it from the error log, and log a technical support query ensuring you paste all the details into the online form. We will look at it and get it fixed/adjusted as a matter of priority.

Re: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

I'm getting this error, too:
Error Description: Single Schedule:nofieldsReport(s) produced successfully but email failed with the following error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Error Number: 91
Error Source: SendSMTP
Line Number: 1480

Only there is no report in the output folder. I can use the same database info for multiple email addresses, but it will not read database info into a report parameter...ideas?

Re: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

I am guessing here that you have set the report to be embedded in the email. Right?

This is how CRD does it.

First it exports the report to html
Then it sucks the html into the email.
If there is no html to suck into the email, then you get the error you got which means "I can't find the html to suck into the email".

The html would not be produced if one of the parameter values you have in the query is a bum one for example. So no report is produced and you get the above error.

However, its not all doom and gloom. lets say you have 10 parameter values and one of them is bum, then the other 9 emails will go OK, but the schedule will error and show you the error above. So it is easy to identify which one caused the error and to go and fix it.

Wth regard to your last questions - Without knowing your database environment and being familiar with the report etc, I would not be able to answer why our report fails when you feed in a particular parameter value, but runs when you use another, but I hope som of what I have said above makes sense.

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