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Parameters and output issues

I am new to CRD and crystal, so please bare with me.

I have done a simple crystal report, and I use a data parameter.

I want CRD to use yesterdays date, how would i achieve this...

Also i have an issue that I know the report has this parameter assigned to it, but if i access it once, and then exit, it will not let me go back in and re-assign a different data value.

I am using the lastest version of CRD.

Also I am trying to output to excel, from a crystal report, but instead of it been an excel spreadsheet like we all know, its pulling the report into excel like it looks in acrobat. What am i doing wrong.

Many thanks in advance for any help.

Re: Parameters and output issues

Modify your record selection formula. Remove the parameter, and replace it with currentdate-1. So if your formula previously said table.column = {?myparameter}, now it should say table.column = currentdate-1. Remove the parameter from the report, and the report will always run for yesterday without even prompting for parameter value. If you want to keep the parameter, but want CRD to prefill it with some values for you, then, in Properties - Report, double-click on the parameter. When the parameters screen comes up, delete any value you have there and click the little square button to the right of the parameter value entry box. Follow the prompts to insert a Crystal constant e.g. currentdate etc. Or use the CRD constant "Yesterday". (You will have to play with this a bit as the value that CRD pulls up may not be in the format that your database date is set, so I recommend you stick with Crystal Constants.)

To assign a new parameter value, simply go to Properties - Report and double-click on the parameter whose value you want to change. Change the value and click OK. Wait a short whil for CRD to store it and you will see the parameter value changing in the "Report" screen. Then Apply and OK.

It sounds like what you want is excel data only. Go to Options - General and you will see some options for excel data only. Check (or uncheck) the options you want. The restart the PC. Now go to your schedule properties and change your format to Excel Data only, and check (or uncheck) the other options as required. CRD should now spew out a spreadsheet with no formating (or just the formating you have requested.

I hope this helps..

Re: Parameters and output issues

thanks for your reply.

One thing i have just thought about. If i'm sending information out on a Monday it would send Sundays information instead of Fridays???

How would i work around this.

I altered the it to say Excel data, which it kind of work. Instead of been in row, like a normal excel file. It is still having each record in the report under each other, with the fields under one another. So it looks like a normal report, but without any of the graphics. Hope that makes sense.

Many thanks for your help so far...

Re: Parameters and output issues

Simply run the report on Saturday. Or adjust the crystal formula to be "currentdate - 3" instead of "currentdate - 1".

To get your data showing beside each other instead of one under the other, you need to design your report with the fields beside each other instead of underneath each other. At this point we are getting into Crystal report design, so I let me refer you to They are a very nice bunch of people who help out beginners and experts alike. Sign up on their forum and post the question and you should get some tips fairly soon.

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