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Dynamic Renaming


Is there any way for CRD to dynamically rename files? The issue is this, I have a file, say
foo.txt sitting somewhere. All I want CRD to
do is to name it foo[currentdate].txt, e.g.
foo20050214.txt Can CRD do this?


Re: Dynamic Renaming

CRD cannot do this at present. I have put it in the list of enhancements for a future release (in the next 3 months).

Re: Dynamic Renaming

You can always create an automation schedule to run a .bat file which renames the file for you.


Re: Dynamic Renaming

Did this get implementd ?
This is a feature that I would like to use quite a bit.

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Replying to:


Is there any way for CRD to dynamically rename files? The issue is this, I have a file, say
foo.txt sitting somewhere. All I want CRD to
do is to name it foo[currentdate].txt, e.g.
foo20050214.txt Can CRD do this?


Re: Dynamic Renaming

Yes, you can now use CRD Constants for this purpose. Just select the file in the 'original file name' field and insert a CRD Constant in the 'New file name' field and customise as desired.

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