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Schedule [NOT] Excecuted Successfully!

CRD 5 is all setup and appears to be almost working well. I can preview a report and manually export the report to a PDF file on my HD.

When trying to run the schedule, however, it will give me the "success" message for the report, but not actually save anything to my specified location. The automatic report only takes a second or so to run, where manually running and exporting a report takes several minutes. Any fixes?

Also, I run the same 3 report formats every day. 9 or so reports get run for Today's date, yesterday's date and 2 weeks-from-today's date. Every day. Is there a way to have CRD dynamically insert the appropriate dates each day?

Thanks for your help!

Re: Schedule [NOT] Excecuted Successfully!

This looks like a folder security issue.

Set your output folder for the report to be a local folder e.g. C:mytest. If this works, then you need to look at security settings for the remote folder you are exporting to.

Otherwise, I would log a call with the support desk...

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