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Deleted Schedules still running

I have a problem with reports still running that do not exist anymore. I went to move a single package schedule to a folder called "not in use". I keep reports in the folder that I want to disable but keep in case we need to reinstate them. Once I moved the report it disappeared! I have check all of my folders over and over again but I can not find it. I need to disable it so it stops emailing information that is not correct to our fulfillment department. But I can't find it! It runs every morning at the scheduled time but I need to stop it. Anyone have advice?


Re: Deleted Schedules still running

I had this problem in a previous version. I logged a support call. They asked for a file, cleaned it and sent it back and all was well. The problem did not recur.

I'd give them a try..

Re: Deleted Schedules still running

Make sure the option of Delete Archive schedules after x number of days checked off.

Check out our website for Custom Reports for CRD!!

Re: Deleted Schedules still running

Andria sent us her files. The problem was caused because CRD allows you to drag and drop a parent folder into a child or subfolder of that same parent. When this happens, the parent and all its sub folders and schedules "disappear" as a result of a circular reference.

The issue has been logged as a bug and will be resolved in the next build.

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